
Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG is assessing options for Wüstenrot Bank AG Pfandbriefbank

Ad-hoc-Announcement according to Art. 17 MAR, 05/31/2017, 9:39 pm

Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG (W&W) examines options for the future of Wüstenrot Bank AG Pfandbriefbank. The options range from further focusing the business activities through cooperations to the sale of the bank, in which W&W holds 100 percent of the shares. This process shall provide the bank with even greater opportunities for growth.

The assessment is expressly unbiased as to the result. It is linked to the transfer of the mortgage loan business to Wüstenrot Bausparkasse AG, which now also issues mortgage bonds (Pfandbriefe). The new German Building Society Act (Bausparkassengesetz) has enabled both. Wüstenrot Bausparkasse AG, also a wholly owned subsidiary of W&W AG, has thus broadened the scope of its position within W&W Group.
